'harm not, O Agni, in the highest region!' the highest region doubtless are these worlds : thus, do not harm it in these worlds !—'The wild buffalo do I assign unto thee,' he thereby assigns to him the wild buffalo (gavaya);-'building up therewith thy forms, get thee settled!' that is, ‘building up therewith, perfect thyself!'—'Let thy burning heat reach the buffalo! let thy burning heat reach him whom we hatel' he thereby lays burning heat into the buffalo, and into him whom he hates.
35. Then that of the sheep, with (Vâg. S. XIII, 50), “This woollen that is, this woolly,'— 'navel of Varuna,' for the sheep is sacred to Varuna ;-'the skin of animals, two-footed and four-footed,' for that (sheep) indeed is the skin of both kinds of animals?, two-footed and four-footed ;'the first birth-place of Tvashtri's creatures,' for Tvashtri indeed fashioned this as the first form;
'harm not, O Agni, in the highest region!' the highest region is these worlds : thus, 'do not harm him in these worlds !'-—'The wild buffalo do I assign unto thee,' he thereby assigns the wild buffalo (ushtra) to him ;-'building up therewith thy forms, get thee settled !' that is, ' building up therewith, perfect thyself!'-'Let thy burning heat reach the buffalo! let thy burning heat reach him whom we hate!' he thereby lays burning heat into the buffalo, and into him whom he hates.
36. Then that of the he-goat, with (Vág. S. XIII, 51), 'Verily, the he-goat was produced from Agni's heat;'—that which was produced from · Viz. inasmuch as its wool serves as a cover for man and beast.
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