Agni is the year : as great as Agni is, as great as is his measure, by so much he thus pours him forth as seed. Those two kinds (of libations) amount to twelve,-twelve months are a year, and Agni is the year: as great as Agni is, as great as is his measure, so great does this become.
15. He offers", with (Vag. S. XI, 66-67), “The Purpose, Agni, the Impulse, hail !'~from purpose, indeed, this sacred rite originated at first, and he now impels (yokes, uses) it for this rite.
16. 'Mind, Wisdom, Agni, the Impulse, hail!' - from the mind indeed this sacred rite originated at first, and he now impels it for this rite.
17. 'Thought, knowledge, Agni, the Impulse, hail!'—from thought, indeed, this sacred rite originated at first, and he now impels it for this rite.
18. “The distinction of Speech, Agni, the Impulse, hail!'-from speech, indeed, this sacred rite originated at first, and he now impels it for this rite.
19. 'To Pragâpati, to Manu, hail!'—Manu, forsooth, is Pragâ pati, for he thought out (man) all this (universe); and Pragâpati, indeed, of old performed this rite, and he now.makes use of him for this rite.
20. “To Agni Vaisvânara, hail!'- Agni Vaisvânara, doubtless, is the year; and the year, indeed,
layers of bricks, on the top of these there is a small additional pile of two layers, the lower one (punaskiti) in the form of the Gârbapatya hearth (VII, 1, 1, 1 seq.), and the upper one, consisting of two bricks, on which the fire is ultimately laid down. See p. 188, note 4. Hence Agni is also called 'saptakitika.'
1 Viz. the seven special Audgrabhana libations of the Agnikayana.
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