10. If there be one victim, let him make it (the pan) one span wide ; and if there be five victims, let him make it five spans wide, or an arrow's width; for the arrow means strength: he thus makes it to be composed of strength. But, indeed, an arrow formerly used to be five spans long?
11. He then lays round the horizontal belt (or rim) ;-that is the quarters; for the gods, having made these worlds, the fire-pan, strengthened and encircled them by the quarters; and in like manner the Sacrificer, having made these worlds, the firepan, thus strengthens and encircles them by the quarters.
12. He lays this (rim) on the upper third (of the side), for it is there the ends of these worlds meet, and he thus makes them firm thereby.
13. [He does so, with Vâg. S. XI, 59] 'Thou art Aditi's girdle!'—in the sacrifice the string relates to Varuna: he thus lays this belt round after (expressly) making it one not relating to Varuna.
14. He then silently makes four upright (bands), for these are the quarters ;—for the gods, having made these worlds, the fire-pan, made them firm on all sides by means of the quarters 2; and in like manner the Sacrificer, having made these worlds, the fire-pan, now makes them firm on all sides by means of the quarters.
15. These (vertical bands) run up to (the rim of) it, for they did then support it, and so do they now support it: thus that upper part of it becomes firm
1 Yasmin kâle dhanurvedânusårena dharmatah kshatriya yudhyante tasmin kâle pañkaprâdeseshur âsît, adhunâ tv iyam aniyataparimary vartante, Sây.
• Viz. by means of the mountains, according to Sâyana.
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