is their proper order. For that horse (asva) is the tear (asru) which there (at the creation) formed itself ; and that ass (râsabha) is that which, as it were, cried (ras); and that he-goat (aga, unborn) is the juice which adhered to the shell; and that clay which they are about to fetch is nothing else than the shell (of the egg): for it was from these forms that he was created at first, and from them he thus produces him.
29. They stand on the south side ;-for the gods at that time were afraid, lest the Rakshas, the fiends, should smite their sacrifice from the south.
They saw that thunderbolt, yonder sun; for this horse is indeed yonder sun; and by means of that thunderbolt they drove off the Rakshas, the fiends, from the south, and spread this sacrifice in a place free from danger and devilry. And in like manner does the Sacrificer now by this thunderbolt drive off the Rakshas, the fiends, from the south, and spread this sacrifice in a place free from danger and devilry.
30. On the right (south) side is the Åhavaniya fire, and on the left (north) lies that spade; for the Âhavaniya (m.) is a male, and the spade (abhri, f.) a female, and the male lies on the right side of the female 2. [It lies] at a cubit's distance, for at a cubit's distance the male lies by the female.
31. It should be made of bamboo. Agni went away from the gods. He entered into a bamboostem ; whence that is hollow. On both sides he made himself those fences, the knots, so as not
See VI, 1, 1, 11.
Dakshinato vai vrisha yoshâm upasete ;-compare: uttarato hi strî pumâmsam upasete, I, 1, 1, 20; II, 5, 2, 17.
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