cattle (or, an animal), let us search for him by means of the (different kinds of) cattle : he will become manifest unto his own form. They searched for him by means of the cattle, and he became manifest to his own form: and hence even to this day the animal becomes manifest to its own form (kind) ?, cow to cow, horse to horse, and man to man.
23. They said, 'Surely, if we search with all of them, they will become used up and affording no livelihood ; and if not with all, we shall get him (Agni) incomplete.' They saw one animal (as a substitute) for two animals , namely, the ass (as a substitute) for the cow and the sheep; and because they saw that one beast (would do) for two beasts, therefore that one (the he-ass), whilst being one, doubly impregnates :
24. The sham-man* (they saw to be a substitute) for man,-a sham-man doubtless is he who pleases neither the gods, nor the fathers, nor men. Thus they searched by means of all the beasts, and yet they (the beasts) did not come to be used up and affording no livelihood.
25. With three he searches,-Agni is threefold: as great as Agni is, as great as is his measure, with so much he thus searches for him. They are five
1 That is to say, it shows itself openly, appears fearlessly before others of its kind;-Svâya râpâyeti tâdarthye katurthî ; âvih prakâso bhavati, tadanukârenedânîm api pasuh svâya rupaya samanagittyaya prakao bhavati, Sây.
? That is to say, they saw that one animal might do for two, pañkami pratinidhau, Sây. (Pân. II, 3, II.)
: Viz, the she-ass and the mare.
• Anaddha-purusham alîka-purusham purushật pratyapasyan purushasthâne kalitavantas, Sây. Thus probably a counterfeit of a man, a doll or human effigy.
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