7. And, again, why he offers this libation ;-this Agni is Savitri, and him he pours out as seed at the outset by this libation; and whatlike seed is poured into the womb suchlike (offspring) is born. And inasmuch as by this (libation) he pours out Savitri as seed, they (the offering-formulas are called) Sâvitra : that is why he offers this libation.
8. Both an offering-spoon (sruk) and a dippingspoon (sruva) are used thereat; for the offering-spoon is speech, and the dipping-spoon is breath; and with speech and breath the gods sought this sacred rite at the beginning : hence there are an offering-spoon and a dipping-spoon.
9. And, again, why there are an offering-spoon and a dipping-spoon,—what Pragâpati was, that indeed is this dipping-spoon, for the dipping-spoon is the breath, and the breath is Pragâpati. And what Vâk (speech) was, that is this offering-spoon; for Vâk is a female, and the offering-spoon (sruk, f.) is a female ; and those waters which went forth from the world of Vâk (speech)', they are this (ghee) which he offers (in) this libation.
10. He offers it continuously, for those waters flowed continuously. And inasmuch as that Pragapati entered the waters with the threefold science, that is these prayers (yagus) with which this (priest) now offers.
11. The first three which there are, are these (three) worlds; and what fourth prayer there is that
1 See VI, 1, 1, 9.
3 VI, 1, 1, 10.-The construction of the text is somewhat peculiar,—what the author means to say seems to be the threefold science (the Veda) with which Pragâpati entered the waters is the same as the prayers now offered up.
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