VI KÂNDA, 2 ADHYÂYA, 3 BRÂHmana, 8. 189
6. Yonder Sun said to him, 'I will step nigh!''Wherewith?'-'With a space-filling (brick 1).'-'So be it!'-Now he (the sun) indeed is the space-filler : 'by (mine own) self,' he thus means to say. Hence the third naturally-perforated one is laid on so as not to be separated from the space-filling one 2; and hence yonder sun is not separated from the sky, for not separated therefrom did he step nigh with this (brick).
7. These six deities forsooth became all this (universe), whatsoever exists here. The gods and the Rishis said, 'Those six deities forsooth have become all this (universe): bethink ye yourselves how we also may share therein!' They said, 'Meditate ye!' whereby doubtless they meant to say, 'Seek ye a layer! seek ye how we also may share in this 3!' Whilst they were meditating, the gods saw a second, the Rishis a fourth, layer.
8. They said, 'We will step nigh!'-'Wherewith?'-'With what is over and above these worlds!'-'So be it!' Now what there is above the earth on this side of the air, therewith the gods stepped nigh, that is this second layer; and what there
1 See
p. 153, note.
The laying down of the last svayam-âtrinnâ (together with the likewise perforated 'vikarnî') is immediately preceded by the filling up of the fifth layer with the 'space-filling' bricks, only one of which has the common formula pronounced over it. See VIII, 7,
2, I seq.
Viz. in this universe, and, as a representation thereof, in this fire-altar.
In the foregoing 1-5 paragraphs only those three layers, which have a 'naturally-perforated' brick in the centre, viz. the first, third, and fifth layers, were mentioned. The author now remarks on the two other layers, representing as it were the space between the three worlds.
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