3. For this (animal sacrifice) there are twenty-one kindling-verses";—twelve months, five seasons, these three worlds, and yonder sun,—that is the twentyonefold Pragâpati; and Pragâpati is Agni: as great as Agni is, as great as is his measure, by so much he thus kindles him.
4. And, again, why there are twenty-one ;-man (purusha) doubtless is twenty-onefold, ten fingers of the hand, ten toes, and the body (make) the twentyonefold man Pragâpati; and Pragâpati is Agni: as great as Agni is, as great as is his measure, by so much he thus kindles him.
5. He recites both gâyatri and trishtubh verses : their significance has been told; and (what applies to) the order of the verses has been told. The libation of ghee 2 he makes with the verse containing (the name) Hiranyagarbha 3; for Hiranyagarbha
1 Viz. the eleven ordinary gâyatri verses raised, by repetitions, to the number of fifteen; with six special trish/ubh inserted (p. 167, note 1). Kâty. XVI, 1, 34.
? On the two libations of ghee, see part i, p. 124 note; P. 128, n. 2. It is doubtful which of the two libations is intended here; whether the first which in any case belongs to Pragâpati, but is usually made with a different formula from the one prescribed here, or the second. The later ritualists themselves seem to have been doubtful on this point; but Kâtyâyana (XVI, 1, 35-37) leans to the opinion, that the second libation must be intended; both libations thus being made to Pragâpati on this occasion. Sâyana remarks,-hiranyavatyâ rikâ 'hiranyagarbhah samavartatety' ata uttaram samaprakam (? samaprakâram) âgharam âghârayati; pragapatir vai hiranyagarbhah sa kâgnis tam evam tarpayitvâpnotîty abhiprayah.
s That is, Vâg. S. XXV, 10 (XIII, 4; Rik S. X, 121, 1, 'Hiranyagarbhah samavartatâgre), 'Hiranyagarbha (the golden child) came first into existence; he was born as the only lord of all being; he sustained this earth and sky: what god (or the god Ka) shall we serve with offering.'
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