28. Twelve Apri (propitiatory) verses there are, -twelve months are a year, and the year is Agni : as great as Agni is, as great as is his measure, with so much he thus propitiates (or gratifies) him.
29. And, again, why there are twelve,-of twelve syllables consists the Gagati, and the Gagati is this earth, for on her there is everything that moves (gagat) here. And Agni also is this earth, for it is out of her that the whole fire (altar) is built up : as great as Agni is, as great as is his measure, by so much he thus propitiates him.
30. And, again, why there are twelve,—of twelve syllables consists the Gagats, and the Gagati is all the metres, and all the metres are Pragậpati (the sacrifice), and Pragâpati is Agni : as great as Agni is, as great as is his measure, by so much he thus propitiates him.
31. Those 'kindling-sticks of his (Agni) are upright.' When Agni restored the relaxed Pragapati, he said to him, What Apri-verses there are equal to me, with them propitiate me!'
32. He saw these (verses) 2 :— Upright are his kindling-sticks,' for upright indeed are the kindling-sticks of him when kindled ;-'upwards tending the bright flashes of Agni, for tending upwards are his bright flashes, his flames ;—'they, the most brilliant,' that is the most powerful;' -'of the fair-looking son,' for fair-looking indeed Agni is on all sides; and inasmuch as he (the Sacrificer) produces him thereby he (Agni) is his son.
For the purport of these verses which form the offering-prayers at the fore-offerings of the animal sacrifice, see part ii, p. 185, note I.
9 Vâg. S. XXVII, 11 seq.
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