became the broad one (or earth, prithivi). And she (the earth), thinking herself quite perfect", sang; and inasmuch as she sang (ga), therefore she is Gayatrf. But they also say, 'It was Agni, indeed, on her (the earth's) back, who thinking himself quite perfect, sang; and inasmuch as he sang (gầ), therefore Agni is Gâyatra.' And hence whosoever thinks himself quite perfect, either sings or delights in songs
SECOND BRAHMANA. 1. That Pragậpati desired, ' May it multiply, may it be reproduced !' By means (or, in the form) of Agni he entered into union with the Earth: thence an egg arose. He touched it: 'May it grow! May it grow and multiply!' he said. : 2. And the embryo which was inside was created as Vayu (the wind). And the tear which had formed itself became those birds. And the juice which was adhering to the shell became those sun-motes.
And that which was the shell became the air. i 3. He desired, “May it multiply, may it reproduce itself!' By means of Vayu he entered into union with the Air: thence an egg arose. He touched it, saying, “Bear thou glory!' From it yonder sun was created, for he indeed is glorious. And the tear which (asru) formed itself became that variegated pebble (asman); for 'asru' indeed is what
· Abhimâninîstrsvigrahâ yasmâd agâyad tasmad iyam Gâyatrî, Sây.— Because, like a haughty woman, she (the earth) sang, therefore she is Gâyatrî.'
* On this illustration, which might either be taken as applying to men in easy circumstances, not troubled with cares; or, perhaps, to a new-born child which cries out lustily, and likes to be sung to, -Sâyana only remarks,-tasmâd u haitad iti svabhâvânuvâdah, kâryadharmena kâranadharmânupâdanâya.
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