he that is to be eaten, thus having first made (him) the feeder, they now make for him one to be fed upon that is why they put up a shed with the purorul verse of the Manthin cup.
22. The Adhvaryu then takes clarified butter in four ladlings, places a piece of gold on the gamingground, and offers with (Vâg. S. X, 29), May ample Agni, the lord of rites, delighted,—may ample Agni, the lord of rites, accept of the butter, hail!'
23. He (the Adhvaryu) throws down the dice, with, Hallowed by Svâhâ, strive ye with Surya's rays for the middlemost place among brethren!' For that gaming-ground is the same as 'ample Agni,' and those dice are his coals, thus it is him (Agni) he thereby pleases; and assuredly in the house of him who offers the Râgasûya, or who so knows this, the striking of that cow is approved of. On those dice he says, 'Play for the Cow! The two draught oxen of the original (hall-door) fire are the sacrificial fee.
24. He then says, Pronounce the invitatory prayer to Agni Svishtakrit!' And as to why that ceremony is performed between two oblations,— verily, Pragâpati is that sacrifice which is here performed, and from which these creatures have been produced,—and, indeed, they are even now produced after this one; thus he places him (the Sacrificer) in the very middle of that Pragâpati, and consecrates him in the very middle: that is why that ceremony is performed between two oblations.
Thus (not the slaying) according to the commentary on Kâty. Sr. XV, 7, 20, hantis kâhananamâtro na mâranârthah.-The cow is the one staked by the tribesman (sagâta).
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