a hundred holes,-man here lives up to a hundred (years), and has a hundred energies, a hundred powers; therefore it is perforated with a hundred holes. And if with nine holes,—there are in man those nine vital airs: therefore it is perforated with nine holes.
14. That (gold plate) he lays upon his head, with, Might thou art, victory thou art, immortality thou art!' Gold being immortal life, he thus lays immortal life into him. And as to why there are gold plates on both sides,gold being immortal life, --he thus encloses him on both sides with immortal life: this is why there are gold plates on both sides.
15. He then lifts up his arms, with (Våg. S. X, 16'), 'Golden-bodied, ye two lords rise like the sun: mount ye the chariot, O Mitra and Varuna, and thence behold Aditi and Diti!' Mitra and Varuna verily are the two arms, and the chariot (-seat) is the man: therefore he says,' Mount ye the chariot, O Mitra and Varuna !'—'thence behold Aditi and Diti!' By this he means to say, See ye your own (property) and that of others!'
16. Let him not lift up (the king's arms) with that one, but let him rather lift them up with, 'Thou art Mitra, thou art Varuna ;' for MitraVaruna are the two arms, and by his arms the Råganya belongs to Mitra and Varuna : let him therefore lift up his arms with, “Thou art Mitra, thou art. Varuna.'
" In Rik S. V, 62, 8 the verse runs as follows:-At the glow of the dawn, at the rising of the sun, ye, O Mitra and Varuna, mount your golden-formed, iron-pillared chariot; thence ye behold Aditi and Diti (? the boundless space and the bounded).
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