NOTES. The same Rishi. The metre is Pragatha, each Pragatha distich being composed of one Brihatî and one Satobrihati. The position of the Sûkta in the collection and the opening words of verse 3 show that the three Pragathas are not independent, but form one hymn.-Verse 1 = SV. I, 60.
Verse 2. Note 1. Comp. VII, 18, 25. imám narah marutah saskata ánu.
Note 2. The passages which Grassmann gives for the meaning of vridh, stärkend, erquickend,' I, 167, 4; X, 89, 10, are quite doubtful. Probably we should have to alter the accent and read vridhám.
Note 3. The relative clause seems to refer to the Maruts, not to the goods (ráyah).
Note 4. Comp. VI, 46, 10. yé ... sátrum adabhúh.
Verse 3. Note 1. Literally, 'sharpen.'
Note 2. The genitive seems, as is also Prof. Ludwig's opinion, to be the partitive genitive, so that the literal meaning would be: 'Prepare us (a deal) of riches and of wealth,' &c. Comp. píba sutásya, 'drink of the pressed Soma,' &c.
Verse 4. Note 1. On kákrih devéshu á dúvah, comp. IV, 2, 9; VIII, 31, 9.
Verse 5. Note 1. On amati, comp. above, III, 8, 2, note. Note 2. Comp. VI, 59, 8. ápa dveshamsi á kritam.
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