The same Rishi. The metre is Ushnih.-Verse 5=SV. I, 98; TB. III, 2, 11, 1. Verse 7=SV. I, 100.
Verse 1. Note 1. The first Pada is identical with VIII, 44, 19.
Verse 2 Note 1. Comp. above, I, 1, 8.
Verse 4. Note 1. The most ancient list of officiating priests at the Soma sacrifice contained seven priests. See H. O., Religion des Veda, 383 seq. Hence Agni is called saptáhota, cf. III, 29, 14.
Verse 5. Note 1. On vip, see the note on III, 3, 1. As to the lights' of the vipas, comp. vákah gyótih-agrâh, VII, 101, 1, the expression gyotihshtoma—though this word is not known in the Rig-veda-and the materials collected by Bergaigne, Religion Védique, I, 285.
Verse 7. Note 1. The second Päda is identical with I, 15, 12.
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