Verse 5. Note 1. Does this expression refer again to the second birth (see the preceding note)?
Note 2. The text has vidáthe.
Note 3. Comp. V, 76, 1. út víprânam devayah vakah asthuh. The conjecture devayám easily suggests itself, but it is not necessary.
Verse 6. Note 1. In the Rig-veda, sváru means the sacrificial post itself, not, as in the later ritual texts (Schwab, Thieropfer, pp. 11, 74), that splinter of the wood of the sacrificial post (yapasakala), with regard to which Katyâyana (VI, 3, 17) prescribes : Yüpasakalam asyam (scil. rasanâyâm) avaguhati.' 'He hides the splinter of the wood of the sacrificial post in the rope (tied round the post).'— See Weber, Indische Studien, IX, 222.
Verse 7. Note 1. Comp. below, IV, 6, 3. Note 2. Comp. VIII, 71, 12. kshastrâya sádhase.
Verse 8. Note 1. The Earth is mentioned twice, firstly together with the Heaven, in the compound Dyávå-Kshấma, and then separately as Prithivi.
Verse 10. Note 1. On the wooden head-piece of the sacrificial post (kashala), see Schwab, Das Thieropfer, p. 9.
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