Note 2. I cannot adopt Prof. Weber's conjecture assah (Altiranische Sternnamen, 10). His translation is : Die Götter liefen zu dem wundersamen Agni bei seiner Geburt (neugierig) hinzu, wie die jungen Mädchen zu einem neugebornen Kinde.'
Verse 5. Note 1. For krátum punânáh, cf. III, 31, 16 ; VIII, 12, 11; 13, 1; 53, 6.
Note 2. I take pári as belonging to vásânah ; sokih and áyuh are objects. Comp. X, 16, 5. dyuh vásânah; X, 53, 3. sáh ayuh á agat surabhih vásânah.
Verse 6 Note 1. The number of the seven sounds (comp. Sten Konow, Das Samavidhana-brahmana, p. 33, note 3) seems to be connected with the seven Rishis, see IX, 103, 3. vấnih réshînåm saptá (comp. IX, 62, 17). The seven sounds seem to be identified with the seven rivers also in III, 7, 1 (see below). Comp. Bergaigne, Religion Védique, II, 132 ; H.O., Religion des Veda, 117, note 1.
Verse 7. Note 1. Heaven and Earth.
Verse 9. Note 1. Comp. Bergaigne, Religion Védique, II, 99. Note 2. See volume xxxii, 441 seq. (1, 2, 3, note 1).
Note 8. Here I believe we have an anacoluthon. The poet seems to have intended to say, 'Him who walked ... the daughters of Heaven saw.' - Prof. Max Müller translates this hemistich: 'He found him (the father) moving along with dear friends, with the young maidens of Heaven-he was not hidden.'
Note 4. Agni was hidden to the gods but not to the waters.
Verse 10. Note 1. The verse X, 3, 2, though very obscure, seems to contain a similar idea. Should the meaning be that
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