The same Rishi. Metre, Trishtubh.—According to an observation of Bergaigne's, hymns of six verses composed in Trishtubh should precede hymns of the same extent composed in Gayatri. Though this law is not without exceptions (see H. O., Die Hymnen des Rigveda, I, 202 seq.), the suspicion is raised that the hymns 9 and 10 should each be divided into two Trikas.—Verse i=VS. XI, 36 ; TS. III, 5, 11, 2; IV, 1,3,3; MS. II, 7, 3. Verse 2 =TS. III, 5, 11, 2; MS. IV, 10, 4. Verse 3=VS. XVII, 75; TS. IV, 6,5,4; MS. II, 10, 6. Verse 6=TS. IV, 3, 13, 2; MS. IV, 10, 5.
Verse 1. Note 1. The long compound looks suspicious ; possibly it should be read ádabdhavratah pramatih.
Verse 5. Note 1. Vásu and dhảna frequently receive the epithet ubháya; see VI, 19, 10; VII, 82, 4; 83, 5; X, 84, 7. No doubt celestial and terrestrial goods are referred to, see II, 14, 11 ; V, 68,3; VI, 59, 9; VII, 97, 10; IX, 19, 1; 100, 3.
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