NOTES. The same Rishi. Metre, Gayatri.-Verse 4=VS. XII, 43 ; TS. IV, 2, 3, 4; MS. II, 7, 10.-The hymn has been translated by M. M., Selected Essays, II, p. 143.
Verse 1.
Note 1. It does not seem probable that upasád is to be translated here according to its meaning in the later ritual, as one of the preparatory ceremonies of the Soma sacrifice. See Weber, Indische Studien, X, 363; Hillebrandt, Vedische Mythologie, 1, 300.
Verse 2. Note 1. Ayã may be used adverbially: comp. III, 12, 2; VI, 17, 15; IX, 53, 2; 106, 14. But it is more probable that samidha or girá should be supplied from verse 1. Comp. II, 24, 1. ayá vidhema girá; IV, 4, 15. aya samídhå vidhema.
Note 2. Comp. VIII, 61, 7. ásvam-ishtaye.
Verse 5. Note 1. The conjecture sanah, proposed by BöhtlingkRoth and Grassmann, is not necessary. The verb is to be supplied ; comp. the passages collected by Pischel, Vedische Studien, I, 19.
Verse 7. Note 1. Gányeva seems to be gányah iva, comp. II, 39, 1. dûtã-iva hávyå gányâ purutrá; IV, 55, 5. pất pátih gányât ámhasah nah.
Verse 8. Note 1. Comp. VII, 17, 4. yakshat devấn amritàn pipráyat ka ; VIII, 39, 9. yakshat ka piprayat ka nah.
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