The same Rishi. Metre, Anushtubh.-Verse 3=SV. I, 94; TS. III, 3, 3, 3; MS. II, 13, 5.
Verse 1 Note 1. As the Hotri is mentioned here, the following verses contain each the names of the other priests as given in II, 1, 2. Only the Agnidh is left out; possibly the words sváh svấya dhấyase krinutấm ritvík ritvígam (verse 7) contain an allusion to this priest, who may well be termed the Ritvig belonging to Agni and refreshing him.
Note 2. With the first Påda of our verse, compare IX, 64, 10. indul pavishta kétanah.
Note 3. The meaning seems to be : Agni, who has protected the fathers, has been born again, and will do the same for the present sacrificer.
Note 4. The strong horse, of course, is Agni. Comp. III, 27, 3 (see below). On the construction (vaglnah yámam), see Delbrück, Altindische Syntax, p. 417.
Verse 2. Note 1. On the seven rays or reins of Agni, see I, 146, 1, note 1. Besides the seven priests a mysterious eighth Ritvig priest is spoken of (X, 114, 9. kám ritvígâm ashtamám sữram âhul); thus Agni has a mysterious eighth rasmi (ray or rein) besides the seven. Comp. Bergaigne, Religion Védique, II, 144.
Verse 3. Note 1. Vókat bráhmâni: this seems to be an allusion to the Brahman priest (see verse 1, note 1).
Note 2. Véh is third singular. See Joh. Schmidt, Kuhn's Zeitschrift, XXV, 91.
Verse 4. Note 1. Comp. VIII, 13, 6. vayah-iva ánu rohate. Prof.
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