the quick inciter $, givest abundance in horses. Thou, rich in wealth, art the host of men“.
6. Thou, O Agni, art Rudra, the Asura of the high Heavenl; thou, being the host of the Maruts, rulest over nourishment. Thou goest along with the flame-coloured Winds, bringing happiness to our home. Thou, being Pashan, protectest thy worshippers by thy own might.
7. Thou, O Agni, art a giver of wealth to him who does service to thee?; thou art the god Savitri, a bestower of treasures. Thou, being Bhaga, O lord of men, rulest over wealth. Thou art a protector in his house to him who has worshipped thee 2.
8. Towards thee, in the house, the lord of the clan, O Agni, the clans strive, towards thee, the bounteous king. Thou with the beautiful face possessest all things. Thou art equal to thousands, to hundreds, to ten (of others).
9. Thee, O Agni, men (make) their father by their sacrifices?; thee who shinest with thy body they invite) to brotherhood by their (sacrificial) work. Thou becomest a son to him who has worshipped thee. As a kind friend thou protectest against attack.
10. Thou, O Agni, art Rübhu, to be adored when near. Thou rulest over strength', over wealth rich in food. Thou shinest?, thou burnest for the sake of giving (wealth). Thou art a hewer 3, an expander of sacrifice.
11. Thou, Agni, O god, art Aditi to the worshipper. Thou, being Hotrâ Bhârati", growest strong by prayer. Thou art Ida, living a hundred winters, for the increase of) ability. Thou, the killer of Vritra, O Lord of wealth, art Sarasvati ?.
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