The same Rishi. Metre, Gâyatrî. The hymn is addressed to Agni Suki.-Verses 1-8 = AV. IV, 33, 1-8; TÅ. VI, 11, 1-2. Verse I TÅ. VI, 10, 1.
Verse 1.
Note 1. Lanman (Sanskrit Reader, p. 363) translates : 'Driving away with flames our sin.' But aghá is not exactly sin.
Verse 3.
Note 1. In this verse as well as in the verses 4 and 5all commencing with the words prá yát—the principal clauses are wanting. As to the meaning, however, these clauses are supplied by the refrain; 'driving away evil' of course means 'may he drive away evil.'
Among them
Note 2. " liberal lords.'
seems to mean 'among the
Verse 8.
Note 1. Cf. Lanman, p. 434.
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