Verse 8.
Note 1. Some light is thrown on this obscure verse by the hymn, I, 72, a hymn belonging, as our hymn does, to the Parâsara collection. It is shown by the second verse of that hymn (see below) that the searching ones, 'ámûrâk,' are the gods who seek Agni. It seems probable, consequently, that the 'seed' is Agni (comp. I, 164, 35, where Soma is said to be vrishnah ásvasya rétah, 'the seed of the manly horse'). Of the same searching gods in I, 72, 5 the expression samgânânáh is used; comp. sám gânata in our passage.
Verse 10.
Note 1. Rayah must be a genitive; comp. I, 72, 8. râyák dúrah ví ritagñáh agânan. Probably the accent should be râyáh; comp., however, Lanman, 431.
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