9. O strength-made, good (Agni), make the gods who come in the morning, the divine host, sit down here to-day on our sacrificial grass, O Vasu, to drink the Soma.
10. Sacrifice, O Agni, with joint invocations, and bring hither the divine host. This is the Soma, O rain-giving gods. Drink (the Soma) which has been kept over night?.
The hymn is ascribed to Praskanva. It is evidently addressed to Agni in his matutinal character; comp. the note on I, 44. The metre is Anushtubh. Verse 1 = SV. 1, 96. Verse 6 = VS. XV, 31 ; TS. IV, 4, 4, 3; MS. II, 13, 7.
Verse 1 Note 1. Comp. VIII, 5, 33. ákkha svadhvarám gánam.
Note 2. As to the gods being considered here as offspring of Manu, comp. especially X, 53, 6. mánuh bhava ganaya dalvyam gánam, become Manu, procreate the divine hosts.' See also Bergaigne, Rel. Védique, I, 69.
Verse 3. Note 1. This passage is one of those which show that the Atris stood in especially friendly connection with the Kanvas. Of the Priyamedhas the same may be said, or perhaps we may even go further and consider them as one branch of the Kanvas. For a fuller discussion of these questions I refer to my paper, Ueber die Liedverfasser des Rig-veda,' Zeitschr. der D. Morg. Gesellschaft, XLII, 213 seq.
Verse 4. Note 1. Mahikeravah, which I have translated as a proper name, may be an adjective belonging to Priyamedhâl. Possibly it is derived from the root kar, to praise : ''the
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