kapâla cake), 125; his son Vis- the vital fluid into Pragàpati, varpa, 130; V, 313; ram the altar, IV, 282; is the rainy slaughtered for him, III, 162; season, V, 45; initiated for fashioned first the sheep, 411; Sattra (as being the thundertakes Sri's forms and receives cloud and rain), 135; holding (mitravinda) oblation (ten - on to him from behind, 173; kapâla cake), V, 63-65; prac- not to chant the Udgitha of tises mystic rites on Indra and bahishpavamâna at Asvamedha, excludes him from the Soma- 305; is the friend of the gods, 388; draught, 213 seq. ; 248; Tvash- the Udgâtris do, as it were, the tri, the seminal, is multiform, Patni's work at the sacrifice, 504. 293 ; fashioner of the couples udgîtha, --of bahishpavamâna at Asof animals, 293.
vamedha performed by the twenty-five, IV, 75.
horse, V, 305. twenty-five-fold, is seed, III, 353; udumbara (ficus glomerata), means is the body, IV, 168, 232.
substance, food, 111, 35, 36, &c.; twenty-four-fold, is man, III, 167; strength, life-sap, 373; used for
the wing (paksha), IV, 221; throne seat at Vagapeya, 35; Pragapati, the year, V, 141.
for food-vessel, 36; for contwenty-nine, IV, 75.
secration water-vessel, 73, 80; twenty-one, IV, 75, 191; V, 150.
ditto for the king's kinsman to twenty-one-fold (or twenty-first), is sprinkle from, 83 ; branch hid
man, III, 172; (stoma) the sun, den in wheel-track, 104 ; how 187, 265; IV, 163; V, 37, 150 produced, 256; sides with the (cf. note), 305 note, 333, 335; gods, whilst all other trees do the tail, IV, 222; the belly, V, so with the Asuras, 256; con164; the altar, &c., 334, 335; tains the vital sap of all other
the head of the sacrifice, 335. trees, 256, (267), 394 ; produces twenty-three, IV, 75.
fruit (thrice a year equal to twinkling of the eye, as many as that of all other trees, 257; is
there are spirations, and hair- always moist, 257; udumbara pits, V, 169.
jar used for sowing seed on
Agnikshetra, 337; etymology, udâna, becomes the vyana, IV, 16; 395; samidbs of, IV, 189, 191;
(breath of the nose) fills man, samidh with forking branches, V, 31.
203; offering-ladle of, for vasor udånabhrit (holders of the upward dhåra, 114; originates from In
air), are the ear-sustainers, IV, dra's flesh (and force), V, 215; 15.
means strength, force, 220, 448. udavasânigeshti, III, 115, 139; IV, uggiti, formulas and oblations, iii,
269. udayaniya (Atirâtra), IV, 254. Ugra, form and name of Agni, III, Uddalaka Åruni, son of (Aruna) Gau- 159; is Vayu, 160.
tama, a Kurupaikala Brahmana, Ugrasena, performs Asvamedha, V, [IV, 333 n., 393 n.;] V, 50 seq. ; 396. in disputation with Sauleya Prà. ukha, fire-pan-materials collected kinayogya, 79 seg. ; teacher of for, III, 180; belongs to PragaProti Kausurubindi, 153.
pati, 180; eight parts of, 180; Uddalavat, a Gandharva, V, 30.
thereinto the Sacrificer pours udder, in one third of cow, III, 237. his own self, 180; represents uddhåra, share,-purastâd-, upar- the three worlds, 210, 233 seq.; isht båt, IV, 162.
313; fashioning of, 233 seq. ; Udgåtri priest, seated towards north, is a cow, 237; is Agni's self
III, 109; gold wreath his fee at (body), 239; is the Sacrificer's Dasapeya, 119; by means of own self, 251; baking of pan, the Mahâvrata (saman) he puts 253 seq. ; instructions in case
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