is perfect in sanctity and power, 260; his fire used by king for offering during dîkshâ, V, 371. Puru, an Asura-Rakshas, overthrown
by Agni in battles, III, 292. Purukutsa, the Aikshvâka, per
formed the Asvamedha, V, 397. Purûravas, son of Idâ,-Pururavas
and Urvasi, V, 68 seq.; wanders about in Kurukshetra, 70; becomes a Gandharva, 74. purusha, seven purushas (the seven Rishis) made into one, III, 144; IV, 205;-the Purusha, 304, 305; is Pragâpati-Agni, III, 144;-(man) a sacrificial animal, 162; 165 seq.; slaughtered for Visvakarman, 162; has twenty-four limbs, 167; twentyone parts, 172; hornless and bearded, 177; Purusha, IV, introd. xiv seq.; (man in the sun, and in the eye, the gold man), xxii; this divine person (in sun, and eye) is variously served as Agni, Sâman, Uktham, &c., IV, 373; (Agni) Vaisvânara is the Purusha, 398; the Agnilike, Arka-like, Uktha-like Purusha, 399; is the true Brahman, 400; Purusha Pragapati, born from golden egg, V, 12; Purusha Narayana exhorted by Pragâpati to sacrifice, 172, 173; is established in five things, 389; Purusha Nârâyana, 403; Purusha born from Virâg, and Virag from Purusha, 403;purushas (men) as victims, 407 seq.;-cf. sun, eye. Purushamedha, III, introd. xxvi; V, introd. xxi seq., 403 seq.; five sutyâs, 405; etymology, 407. Purusha-Narayana (litany), V, 410; cf. purusha.
fee for oblation to Pûshan, 56, 63; pârtha-oblation to Pushan, 82; Pushan Visvavedas (allpossessing), 89; assists Varuna, 113; samsrip oblation (pap) to, 116; prayugam havis (pap), 125; is this earth, 205; V, 352; Aditi and Pushan connected with trinava-stoma, IV, 69; rules over small animals, 75; is cattle, 195; V, 293; takes Sri's wealth and receives (mitravindâ) oblation (pap), V, 62-65; protector of travellers, 293; watcher of men, 293; expiatory pap, 346; lord of roads, 352, 353; is (Vâyu) the wind, 474. pushkara, etymology, III, 365. pûtîka. See âdâra.
purusha-sâman, (III, 369); IV, 146. purusha-sûkta, IV, introd. xiv. purvâbhisheka, IV, 249. Purvakitti, the Apsaras, in an intermediate (upper) quarter, or the dakshina, IV, 108. Pushan, by five syllables gained the five regions, III, 40; pap to, 55, 63; lord of cattle, 55; V, 346; represents productiveness, III, 56; dark grey bullock the
quarters. See regions. queen, one of the ratninab, III, 60; lies down near sacrificial horse, V, 322.
race. See chariot race. Raganya, shoots seventeen arrows'
ranges, III, 25; word of four syllables, 25; takes part in chariot race, 29; holds honeycup and cup of Surâ, 29; sprinkles king from nyagrodha vessel, 83; the bow his strength (virya), 89; ten Râganyas drink of Sacrificer's cup, 114; armoured Raganya driving round sacrificial ground, shooting arrows at two ox-hides, IV, 283 n.; not to be engaged with in disputation by Brahmanas, V, 114; hired by some to drink the Surâ-liquor, 233; a form of the kshatra, 286; battle is his strength, 287; the grandeur of heroism bestowed on him, 294, 295; born (from) of old as one heroic and victorious, skilled in archery, certain of his mark, and a mighty carfighter, 294, 295; unfit to be consecrated (king), 360; Râganya lute-player, 364 seq. råganyabandhu, IV, 21; keep most apart (from their wives in eating) whence a vigorous son is born to them, 370; Ganaka
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