creatures, and the creatures in his own self, 418; is the first
born, yonder sun, 459. Brahman (m.), priest, mounts cart
wheel, III, 21; beats the drum, 24; presented with gold honeycup, 29; gets gold sataminas as fee for protecting sacrifice in south, 108; (V, 211); his fee at Dasapeya twelve heifers with first calf, ili, 119; bull his fee for pafikabila-oblation to Indra, or brown ox for ditto to Soma, 121; white-backed bullock for Brihaspati's ditto pap, 122; neither performs, nor chants, nor recites; yet gets gold satamâna, 141; is the entire sacrifice, 185; as representative of Brihaspati mutters Aprati. ratha hymn whilst Agni is led forward, IV, 192; is the autumn, V, 45; uses the whole trayî vidya, 104; initiated for sattra (as moon and plants), 135; if he does not know certain rites he may allow another to act for him, 211, 212; formerly they had to be of the Vasishtba family, 312; is the heart of the sacrifice, 245; one fettering the sacrificial horse without an. nouncing it to Brahman is liable to incur injury, 277; the spotless Brabman, is the moon, 317, 318; (? Pragapati), is the horse, 318; boon granted to him, 350; is the highest seat of speech, 391; the guardian of the sacrifice, 459; the best physician amongst
priests, 483 ; is seated, 503. Brahmana (m.), not to be fed upon,
having Soma for his king, III, 72, 95; IV, 249; sprinkling of king from palåsa vessel, III, 83; sprinkles him in front, 94; comes after king, 96; is stronger than king, 110; is followed by the three other castes, 227; Brahmana and Kshatriya never go behind Vaisya and Sadra, 227; into him, as the representative of the Brahman, all beings pass and are reproduced there. from, V, 85; effect of the study of the Veda on him, 99 seq.;
not to engage with Râganya in disputation, 114; as the scapegoat receives the Sacrificer's pain and evil, 181; the Brâhmana descended from Rishis, represents all deities, 195, 196; Brâhmana, if going away offended, is presented with a cow longing for a bull, 195; Brâhmana accepting earthen vessels of dead man, is a remover of corpses, 305; the Soma his drink, 217; not to drink raw spirituous liquor, 260; is a form of the priestly office, 286; king can oppress him, but fares the worse for it, 286, to the Brâhmana belongs the fulfilment of wishes, 287; was of old born endowed with spiritual lustre, 294; every Sacrificer becomes a Brahmana, 348; Brâhmana knowing nothing of the Asvamedha, may be
despoiled, 360. brâhmana (n.), mystic sense, or dog
matic explanation of an oblation,
IV, 340. Brahmanakkbamsin,-bull his dak
shinå at Dasapeya, III, 119; is under the Brahman priest, V,
136. Brahmanaspati, lord of the priest
hood, IV, 73; is the sun, V,
453. brahmaudana, priests' mess of rice,
V, 274 ; is seed, 375, 348. brahmodya, theological disputation,
V, 79; between Brahman and Hotri, 314; all priests, 388
390. breast-bone, IV, 114. breath. See prâna. brick. See ishtaka. Bribaduktba Vâmadevya, V, 302. brihad vakas, III, introd. xv. Brihaspati, gains Pragâpati and as
cends to upper region, now his own, III, 2, 59, 122; is the Brahman (priesthood), 3, 21; IV, 192, 229; V, 258,314; wild rice-pap on seventeen plates, III, 21, 28; afraid of the earth and vice versa, 34; with Brihaspati's rulership the Sacrificer is consecrated at Vågapeya, 39; by eight syllables gains Gayatri,
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