anuvalor related ature, 3
Anushrubh nature, 304; Anush
tubh related to the north, 304. anuvâk ya, is in the Gayatri metre,
V, 26. anuyaga, eleven, III, 183; are thun
derbolt, hail, and (heavenly) fire
brand, V, 42, 43. Anvadhyas, the guardians of one of
the four regions, V, 359. anvähârya, mess of rice, the dakshina
at Darsapürnamasa, V, 7; ety-
mology, 23. Anvâhârya-pakana fire, atonement
for its going out lest his cattle die, V, 83; is the air, 178; blood milked by Agnihotra cow to be boiled on enclosed Anva
hârya, 183. anvâkbyâna, old tale, regarding bat
tles between gods and Asuras,
not true, V, 14. anvārambhaniyeshri, III, 42 n.; of
Agnyâdhầna at preceding full-
moon, V, 2. Anyata bplakshâ, a lake in Kurukshe-
tra, visited by swan-maidens,
V, 70. apab, etymology, III, 146. apâmarga (achyranthes aspera),
thereby the gods wiped away the Rakshas, III, 52; of a backward effect, 54; used for cleansing one's self after a
burial, V, 437. apâ mârga-homa, 111, 52. apâna, downward air, becomes the
upward air, IV, 16. apâna-bhrit, the eye-sustainer, IV,
15. apasyå bricks, III, 388; laying down
of them in first layer, 413 seq. ; are waters, 413; iv, 2; of second layer, 23, 34 seq.; are
rain, 34. apendra, III, 130. apradakshinam (apasalavi), V, 323,
467. apratiratha, is Indra, IV, 192; hymn
muttered by Brahman, as the
fire is led forward, 192. ápri verses, twelve, III, 169, 173;
for sautrâmani, V, 244. Apsaras,-from Pragàpati couples
issue in the form of Gandharvas and Apsaras, IV, 219; Gandbarvas and Apsaras made offer
ing to in râshtrabhrit oblations, 230 seq.; Gandharvas and Apsaras affect sweet scent (gandha) and beauteous form (nipa apsas), 230; and worship the divine Purusha under these forms, 373 ; changed into swans, V, 70 ; Soma Vaishnava their king, the Angiras their Veda,
366. åpti, (twelve) formulas and oblations,
III, 29. Åptoryâma, III, introd. xiii, xix
xxiii; V, 419; Atirâtra, 397. Åpyas, the guardians of one of the
four regions, V, 359. arani, two, V, 74. aranye s nákya, the odd cake to Ma
ruts, IV, 310; (extended), V, 336; is speech, IV, 210; the seven rivers flowing westwards,
212; belongs to Pragâpati, 212. Arbhava-pavamâna, of Vâgapeya,
III, 9. Arbuda Kadraveya, king of snakes,
V, 367. ardhendra oblations of ghee, to Indra
coupled successively with one other deity (Agni and Indra, &c.), forming part of the Vasor
dhara, IV, 216. Arguna, mystic name of Indra, II1,99. arikupa (metre) is the water, IV, 88. Arishtanemi, the chieftain (grâmani)
of the sacrifice (or the north), is the second autumn month,
IV, 107. arka, flame, the four, IV, 334 seq.;
is the fire on the fire-altar, 342; the fire-altar (Agni-Pragapati), 346, 348; is Aditya; the vital air, 349; the Arka is Agni, Aditya, Prana, the Purusha, 398, 399; the Arka-nature of the Arkya, 402; is the waters, 402; Arka and Asvamedha, be
come Death, 404. arka (calotropis gigantea), is food,
IV, 157; leaf used for offering to Rudra with, 157; thrown into the pit (kâtvåla), 166; the arka sprang from Rudra's place of rest, 158; is inauspicious and hence must not be trodden upon, 166; arka flowers, leaves, &c., 334 seq.
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