the sacrifice with the sacrifice he thus supplies and completes it.
6. It is a cubit long, for a cubit means the (fore-) arm, and with the arm strength is exerted: it (the spade) thus is composed of strength, and with strength he thus supplies and completes it.
7. He takes it up, with (Vâg. S. XXXVII, 1), 'At the impulse of the god Savitri, I take thee by the arms of the Asvins, by the hands of Pushan: thou art a woman;'-the import (of this formula) is the same as before1.
8. Having placed it in his left hand, he touches it with the right, and mutters (Vâg. S. XXXVII, 2), 'They harness the mind, and they harness the thoughts, the priests of the priest, of the great inspirer of devotion; the knower of the rites alone hath assigned the priestly offices: great is the praise of the god Savitri;'-the import of this is the same as before 2.
9. He then takes the lump of clay with the (right) hand and spade on the right (south) side, and with the (left) hand alone on the left (north) side, with (Vâg. S. XXXVII, 3), 'O divine Heaven and Earth,'-for when the sacrifice had its head cut off, its sap flowed away, and entered the sky and the earth what clay (firm matter) there was that is this (earth), and what water there was that yonder (sky); hence it is of clay and water that the Mahâvira (vessels) are made: he thus supplies and
1 See I, 1, 2, 17; VI, 3, 1, 38 seq.
See III, 5, 3, 11-12.
• Between the two actions referred to in paragraphs 8 and 9, the digging up of the clay takes place, and hence the spade, or trowel, has changed hands. Cf. VI, 4, 2, 2.
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