round, for they (the gods) drove them out from the regions. He arranges it so as to lie between the two regions, the eastern and the southern', for in that region assuredly is the door to the world of the Fathers through the above he thus causes him to enter the world of the Fathers; and by means of the (four) corners he (the deceased) establishes himself in the regions, and by means of the other body' (of the tomb) in the intermediate regions: he thus establishes him in all the regions.
6. Now as to the choosing of the ground. He makes it on ground inclining towards the north, for the north is the region of men: he thus gives him (the deceased) a share in the world of men; and in that respect, indeed, the Fathers share in the world of men that they have offspring; and his (the deceased man's) offspring will, indeed, be more prosperous.
7. Let him make it on ground inclining towards the south,' they say, 'for the world of the Fathers inclines towards the south: he thus gives him a share in the world of the Fathers.' Let him not do so, however, for, indeed, such a one is an opening tomb, and certainly another of these (members of the dead man's family) quickly follows him in death.
the non-Aryan portion of them), have round smasâna.' J. Muir, Orig. Sansk. Texts, vol. ii, p. 485, takes no account of the words 'tvad ye tvat. For our rendering of these words, cp. V, 3, 2, 2 sûdrâms tvad yâms tvat, Sudras and others,' or 'Sudras and suchlike people.'
That is to say, its front side is towards the south-east. Cp. p. 428, note 4.
⚫ That is, by means of the sides of the grave which are to face the intermediate points of the compass.
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