to meet with any mishap, let him perform an oblation with, 'To Visvakarman hail!' for Visvakárman he then is: he repels evil, and the sacrifice inclines to him.
8. And if (his Soma) were to meet with any mishap in regard to the (cow) given in exchange for the Soma, let him perform an oblation with, "To Pashan hail!' for Pashan he then is: he repels evil, and the sacrifice inclines to him.
9. And if (his Soma) were to meet with any mishap when forthcoming for the 'purchase, let him perform an oblation with, “To Indra and the Maruts hail !' for Indra and the Maruts he (Soma) then is: he repels evil, and the sacrifice inclines to him.
10. And if (his Soma) were to meet with any mishap whilst being bargained for, let him perform an oblation with, 'To the Asura hail!' for the Asura he then is: he repels evil, and the sacrifice inclines to him.
11. And if (his Soma) were to meet with any mishap after he has been bought, let him perform an oblation with, 'To Mitra hail!' for Mitra he then is: he repels evil, and the sacrifice inclines to him.
12. And if (his Soma) were to meet with any mishap whilst seated on (the Sacrificer's) lap!, let him perform an oblation with, 'To Vishnu Sipivishta hail!' for Vishnu Sipivishta he then is : he repels evil, and the sacrifice inclines to him.
13. And if (his Soma) were to meet with any mishap whilst being driven about, let him perform
* See III, 6, 3, 4. This particular ceremony is rather out of place here, as in its regular order it should come after paragraph 15.
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