(arguing that) it is ready (for offering), and it would be improper if it were not offered; and that the gods have no loathing for anything. But the gods have indeed loathings :- let him rather proceed in the following way. Having shifted some hot cinders from the Gârhapatya, let him silently pour that (milk) on these hot cinders. He then pours water thereon, and thus secures (ập) it by means of the water (&p). Let him then make offering with what other (milk) he can procure. This, then, is the rite performed in that case.
3. They also say, 'If any one's Agnihotra-milk were to become impure after he has had it milked, what rite and what expiation would there be in that case ?' Let him shift back the coals which were shifted away (from the fire) and on which he was going to put the Agnihotra-milk); and let him then pour it silently on these hot cinders. He then pours water thereon, and secures it by means of the water. Let him then make offering with what other (milk) he can procure.
4. They also say, “If any one's Agnihotra-milk were to become impure after being put on the fire, what rite and what expiation would there be in that case ?' Let him offer it silently on the coals which were shifted away from the fire), and on which it had been placed : thus it is both offered and not offered; for inasmuch as he offers it on those (hot coals) it is offered, and inasmuch as he extinguishes it along with them it is not offered. He pours water thereon, and secures it by means of the water. Let him then make offering with what other (milk) he can procure.
5. They also say, 'If the Sacrificer were to die
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