himself breathe over him whilst walking round him; and that (son of his) attains the full measure of life and lives to old age.
7. He (the sun) took unto himself Agni's breath ; whence that (fire) does not blaze unless fanned or kindled, for its breath has been taken from it; and, verily, he who knows this takes away the breath of life from his spiteful enemy.
8. He took to himself Vâyu's form; whence people hear it (the wind), as it were, shaking, but do not see it, for its form has been taken from it; and, verily, he who knows this takes away the form of his spiteful enemy.
9. He took to himself man's thought; whence people say, 'The divine thought protect thee, man's thought me!' for his thought has been taken from him; and, verily, he who knows this takes away the thought of his spiteful enemy.
10. He took to himself the eye of cattle; whence, even whilst seeing clearly, as it were, they do not know. anything, but only know what it is when they smell at it, for their eye has been taken from them; and, verily, he who knows this takes away the eye of his spiteful enemy.
11. He took to himself the moon's shine; whence of these two (sun and moon), though being similar, the moon shines much less, for its shine has been taken from it; and, verily, he who knows this takes away the shine from his spiteful enemy. And inasmuch as he took these away (â-da), he (the sun) is called Aditya.
· Viz. a hundred years, Sây. See X, 2, 6, 9; part iv, introd.,
p. xxii.
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