being speech, this speech is indestructible, whence also it is (called) Adâbhya; and, verily, in like manner does he who knows this possess himself of the whole sacrifice of his spiteful enemy, and exclude and shut out his spiteful enemy from all participation in the sacrifice.
6. Into the same vessel with which he draws the Amsu1 he pours water from the Nigråbhyâh”, and therein puts those Soma-plants : with (Våg. S. VIII, 47),
7. Thou art taken with a support: for Agni I take thee, possessed of the Gayatri metre!'—the morning-service is of Gâyatrt nature: he thus possesses himself of the morning-service ;*For Indra I take thee, possessed of the Trishtubh metre!'-the midday-service is of Trishtubh nature: he thus possesses himself of the midday-service;- 'For the Visve Devâh I take thee, possessed of the Gagati metre!' -the evening-service is of Gagati nature: he thus possesses himself of the evening-service ;-—'The Anushtubh is thy song of praise;'-whatever is subsequent to the (three) services ", that is of Anushtubh nature: it is thereof he thus possesses
See IV, 6, 1, 3 seq.
That is, the water originally taken from the Pranîtå water, and poured into the (square) Hotri's cup (made of Udumbara wood), to be used for moistening the Soma-plants.
• For the Adábhya he puts three Soma-plants into the Hotri's cup.
• According to Katy. XII, 6, 15, this portion of the formulathe upayama,' or support—is repeated before the formulas of each of the three plants, hence also before 'For Indra ...,' and 'For the Visve Devâh ..!
o Viz. the Ukthyas, Shodasin, &c., in forms of Soma-sacrifice other than the Agnishtoma,
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