intelligence gives rise to four duties attaching to the Brahmana-Brâhmanical descent, a befitting deportment, fame, and the perfecting of the people; and the people that are being perfected guard the Brahmana by four duties - by (showing him) respect, and liberality, (and by granting him) security against oppression, and security against capital punishment.
2. And, truly, whatever may be the toils here between heaven and earth, the study (of the scriptures) is their last stage, their goal (limit) for him who, knowing this, studies his lesson: therefore one's (daily) lesson should be studied.
3. And, verily, whatever portion of the sacred poetry (khandas) he studies for his lesson with that sacrificial rite', offering is made by him who, knowing this, studies his lesson: therefore one's (daily) lesson should be studied.
4. And, verily, if he studies his lesson, even though lying on a soft couch, anointed, adorned and completely satisfied, he is burned (with holy fire 2) up to the tips of his nails, whosoever, knowing this, studies his lesson: therefore one's (daily) lesson should be studied.
5. The Rik-texts, truly, are honey, the Samantexts ghee, and the Yagus-texts ambrosia; and, indeed, when he studies the dialogue that (speech and reply) is a mess of milk and a mess of meat.
1 The study of the Veda being the sacrifice of the Brahman,' the reading of a portion is, as it were, a special rite, or form of offering, belonging to that sacrifice. Såyana, on the other hand, takes it to mean that the student performs, as it were, the particular rite, or offering, to which the portion be reads may refer. It may, indeed, be implied, though it certainly is not expressed in the text.
• Thus A. Weber, Ind. Stud. X, p. 112 ;-sarirapidanena tapastapto bhavati, Sây.
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