STUDENT 1. 1. He says, 'I have come for Brahmakarya?:' he thereby reports himself to the Brahman. He says, 'Let me be a Brahmakârin (student) :' he thereby makes himself over to the Brahman. He (the teacher) then says, What (ka) is thy name?'—now Ka is Pragàpati: he thus initiates him after making him one belonging to Pragå pati.
2. He then takes his (right) hand with, ‘Indra's disciple thou art; Agni is thy teacher, I am thy teacher, O N. N.!'—now these are two most high and most powerful deities: it is to these two most high and most powerful deities he commits him; and thus his disciple suffers no harm of any kind, nor does he who knows this s.
3. He then commits him to the beings :-To Pragâ pati I commit thee, to the god Savitri I commit thee;'-now these are two most high and most important deities: it is to these two most high and most important deities he commits him; and thus his disciple suffers no harm of any kind, nor does he who knows this.
1 With this chapter compare Paraskara Grihyasätra II, 2, 17 seqq.; Âsvalåyana Grihyasūtra I, 30 seqq.; Särkhayana Gribyastra II, 1 segg.
? That is, for religious (theological) studentship : I have come to be a student.' - Sayana takes the aorist. âgâm' in an optative sense ‘may I enter (or obtain),'-brahmakârino bhåvo brahmakaryam tad ågåm prâpnuyam.
* Vidusho spy ctat phalam aha, na sa iti, evam uklárthan yo veda gånâti so spy artim na prâpnotfty arthah, Sây.
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