not know this; but by dint of knowledge I myself have prevailed.' - What is that knowledge, and what the atonement ?' he asked.—'The through-breathing has entered the upward breathing-this is the knowledge); and I would make the offering on the Gårhapatya fire—this is the atonement; and I should not be committing that sin.'—This much, then, reverend sir, we two (know) in common,' said (Saukeya).
11. Saukeya, thus instructed, said, 'I would yet ask thee a question, reverend sir.'-—'Ask, then, Prâkinayogya !' he replied. He said, 'If, at that very time, all the fires were to go out, dost thou know what danger there is in that case for him who offers?'
- I know it,' he replied; 'before long the family would be without heirs in the case of him who would not know this; but by dint of knowledge I myself have prevailed.'— What is that knowledge, and what the atonement ?' he asked.—Having, without delay, churned out fire, and taken out an offering-fire in whatever direction the wind might be blowing, I would perform an offering to Vayu (the wind): I would then know that my Agnihotra would be successful, belonging as it would to all deities; for all beings, indeed, pass over into the wind, and from out of the wind they are again produced'. This would be the atonement, and I should not be committing that sin. —This much, then, reverend sir, we two (know) in common,' said (Saukeya).
12. Saukeya, thus instructed, said, 'I would yet ask thee a question, reverend sir.'—'Ask then, Prakt
" At the time of dissolution (layakale) they pass into the wind; and at the time of creation (srishtikale) they are again created, Sây.
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