and when, having cleansed it a second time all over, I placed my hand on the south (part of the altarground), then I gratified the Fathers"; and when I ate (of the milk) the first time, then I gratified myself; and when (I ate) a second time, then I gratified my offspring; and when, having crept away (from the altar-ground), I drank (water), then I gratified the cattle; and when, having poured water into the spoon, I sprinkled therewith, then I gratified the snake-deities; and when (I sprinkled) a second time, then (I gratified) the Gandharvas and Apsaras; and when, a third time, I sprinkled it away in that (northerly) direction, then I opened the gate of heaven; and when I poured down water behind the altar, then I bestowed rain on this world; and when I brought (the sacrifice) to a close, then I filled up whatever there is deficient in the earth.'—*This much, then, reverend sir, we two (know) in common ?,' said (Saukeya).
8. Saukeya, thus instructed, said, 'I would yet ask thee a question, reverend sir.'--'Ask then, Praktnayogya !' he replied. He (Saukeya) said, 'If, at the time when thy fires are taken out, and the sacrificial vessels brought down, thou wert going to offer, and the offering-fire were then to go out, dost thou know what danger there is in that case for him who offers ?' 'I know,' he replied; before long the eldest son would die in the case of him who would
* The departed ancestors are supposed to reside in the southern region.
• He bhagavann Uddalaka bhavatoktam etat sava (7 saha) nav avayoh saha sabitam samânam ekarûpam iti Saukeyo ha bhuktavân (hy uktavân) anyaprasnam darsayitam prastauti, Saukeyo għapta iti, Sây.
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