havib-da, giver of offerings, IV, 3, 7'. havíb-pati, master of sacrificial food, I, 12, 8.
havib-vah, bearer of oblations, I,72,7. havís, sacrificial food, I, 12, 10, &c. havíshmat, rich in sacrificial food,
offering sacrificial food, I, 12, 9, &c.; I, 128, 29. hávîman, invocation, I, 12, 2. hávya, to be proclaimed: bhágab ná hávyab, I, 144, 33;-to be invoked, III, 5, 3; V, 17, 4. havya, sacrificial food: havyaya
45, 74, 4, havyá-dâti, giver of offerings, III, a, 8;-gift of offerings, IV, 8, 5; V, 26, 4. havya-vah, bearer of oblations, carrier of offerings, I, 12, 2; 6; 44, 8; 67, 2; 128, 8; III, 2, 2; 5, 10; 10, 9; 11, 2; 17,
4; 27, 5; 29, 7; IV, 8, 1; V, 4, 2; 6, 5; 28, 5. havya-vahana, carrier of oblations,
I, 36, 10; 44, 2; 5; V, 8, 6; 11, 4; 25, 4; 28, 6; devébhyab havya-vâhana, III, 9, 61. haskartrí, producing joy, IV, 7, 3. hâ, to give (up to): gahâti, 1, 95, 7. hâ: ut-gihânâb, flying up, V, 1, 1. hi, to incite, stir up: hinvatu, 1, 27,
11; hinuhi, I, 143, 4; hinvanti, I, 144, 5; hiyâná, driven forward, II, 4, 4; hinvé, he speeds along, IV, 7, 11; hinvire, they drive forward, V, 6, 6;-sám ahema (conj. for sám mahema), we have sent forward, 1, 94, 11. hitá-mitra, who has made himself (valiant) friends, 1, 73, 33. híranya, gold, IV, 10, 6. híranya-kesa, golden-haired, I, 79, 1. híranya-danta, gold-toothed, V, 2, 3. hiranyáya, golden: hiranyáy? íti, I,
144, 6.
híranya-ratha, with the golden chariot, IV, 1, 8. híranya-rupa, golden-coloured, IV,
3, I.
hiri-siprá, with golden jaws, II, 2, 51. híri-smasru, golden-bearded, V, 7, 7. hu, to offer, sacrifice: hûyate, I, 26, 6, &c.; guhure, II, 9, 3;
-hutab, worshipped by offerings, into whom offerings are poured, I, 36, 8, &c.; II, 7, 4'; 5; III, 24, 3, &c.; â-gúhvânab, receiving libations, I, 188, 3; guhota, with Acc., make offerings in, III, 9, 8.
hurás, on a crooked way, IV, 3, 13. hri, to take: vi-háran, spreading out, IV, 13, 4.
hri,to be angry: hrinîyámânab,V,2,8. hrid, heart, mind, I, 60, 3, &c. hridi-sprís, touching the heart, IV, hrish: hárshat, joyous, I, 127, 6;— ut-harsháyanti, they delight, V, 27, 5. hríshîvat, joyful, I, 127, 6. hélas, anger, I, 94, 121; IV, 1, 4. hemya-vat, well-impelled, IV, 2, 81. heshá-kratu, hot-spirited, III, 26, 52. hótri, the Hotri priest, I, 1, 1; 5,
&c.; I, 94, 6; II, 9, 1; III, 17, 5; hótárá daívya, I, 13, 81; 142, 8; 188, 7; II, 3, 7; III, 4,7; V, 5, 7;-saptá hótri-bhib, III, 10, 4. hotri-varya, election as Hotri, I, 31, 3.
hotri-sádana, the Hotri's seat, II, 9, 1. hotrá, service of a Hotri, the Hotri's
office, I, 76, 4; II, 1, 2; III, 17, 2; saptá hotrani, III, 4, 5. hotra-vah,carrier of offerings, V,26,7. hótrâ, oblation, I, 36, 7; II, 2, 8;Hótrâ Bhárati, I, 142, 93; II, 1, 11';-the Hotri's work, worship, IV, 2, 101. hotrâ-vid, knowing the art of sacrificial libations, V, 8, 3. hru, see hvri.
hváras, tricks, V, 20, 2. hvârá, serpent (?), I, 141, 71; hvâré (conj. hvârám), II, 2, 4'. hvâryá? V, 9, 4'.
hvri: úpa hvárate, he slinks away,
I, 141, 1';-hrunânáb? (IV,4,1*). hve, to call, invoke: huvema, 1, 127,
21; ihá huve (read ihá hve?), III, 20, 5';-váhnib as a huvé, I, 76, 4, 1,2;-vi-hváyâmahe, we call (thee) in emulation (with other people), I, 36, 139.
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