127, 6; II, 1, 6; IV, 6, 10; marútâm sárdhab, II, 3, 3; naram sárdhab, 11, 1,5'; sárdhab divyám, III, 19, 4;-sárdhab, m. or n.? IV, 1, 12',". sárman, shelter, protection, 1, 58, 8, &c.; sármani syâm, III, 15, 1; ákkbidrâ sárma, III, 15, 5'. sarma-sád, sitting under shelter, I,
73, 3.
sáryâ, arrow, I, 148, 4. sávas, strength, might, power: sávasâ (conj. sávasab), I, 27, 21, &c.; sávasab sushmínab pátib, I, 145, I; savasab pate, V, 6, 9. sávishiba, most powerful, I, 77, 4; mightiest, I, 127, 11. sásvat: sásvatâ tánâ, constantly, I, 26, 6; sásvatîb, constant, I, 27, 7; gánâya sárvate, all people, I, 36, 19; sasvatab, many, 1, 72, 1'. sasvat-tamám, for ever, III, 1, 23. sasti, hymn, praise, IV, 3, 3; 15. sâ, to sharpen, further: sisihi, III,
16, 3'; 24, 5; sísîte, V, 2, 9; 9, 5;-áti sísîte, I, 36, 16;-nisishat, he stirs up, IV, 2, 7'. sâká, powerful, V, 15, 2'. Sâta-vaneyá, N. pr., I, 59, 7. sâs, to teach, instruct: sasâsub, III,
III, 4, I.
1, 2; IV, 2, 12;-ánu-sishta, instructed, V, 2, 8;-prá sassi, thou instructest, I, 31, 14; prasasat, commanding, I, 95, 3. sas, command, 1, 68, 9. sasana, command, III, 7, 5. sasanî, teacher, I, 31, 11.
súki, brilliant, bright, I, 31, 17, &c. ; V, 7, 81; súkim sukayab, 1, 72, 3*; suki ft (for súkim ít?), IV, 2, 163. suki-ganman, whose birth is bright, 1, 141, 7.
Jasus, command, instruction, I, 60, súki-gihva, pure-tongued, II, 9, I. 2; 73, I. suki-dant, with brilliant teeth, V, 7,7. suki-pesas, brightly adorned, I, 144, 1. suki-pratika, whose face is bright, I, 143, 6.
suki-bhragas, brightly resplendent, I,
sasya, governable, I, 189, 7*. sík van, plur., locks of flames, I, 141,8'. siksh, to help one to, to favour with
like a pregnant cow, (1, 65, 101); young calf, 1, 96, 5'; the young child (Agni), I, 140, 3; 145, 3; V, 9, 3; a foal, III, 1, 4; diváb sísum, (Soma) the child of heaven, IV, 15, 69. sísu-matî, the mother of the young child, I, 140, 101.
sísvan (?), young: pasúb ná sísvâ, I, 65, 101.
sirá, sharp, III, 9, 8. sukrá, bright, I, 12, 12, &c.;-brightness: sukra vásânâb, III, 8, 9. sukrá-varna, whose colour is bright, I, 140, 1; 143, 7. sukrá-sokis, brightly shining, II, 2, 3. suk, to shine forth, flame up: sókasva,
I, 36, 9; susukvấn, flaming, I, 69, 1; sukayantab, the resplendent ones, I, 147, I; susukaná, I, 149, 4; sám nab soka, III, 13, 6; ásokat, III, 29, 14; sukádhyai,IV, 2, 11;-to kindle: sukántab agním, IV, 2, 17ápa nab sósukat agham, driving away evil with thy light, I, 97, 1-8;-susugdhí a rayím, shine upon us with wealth, I, 97, 1;vi sósukânab, flaming, III, 15, 1. súk, flash: suka-sukâ, flash by flash,
a thing (gen.): síksha, I, 27, 5; III, 19, 3; yáb te sikshât, who does service to thee, I, 68, 61. sikshú, rich in favours: sikshób (conj. siksho), III, 19, 3'. siti-prishtha, white-backed, III, 7, 1'. sími-vat, powerful (?), I, 141, 13. sírinâ? II, 10, 33. sivá, kind, bounteous, gracious, blessed: I, 31, 1; 79, 2; 143, 8; III, 1, 9; 19; IV, 10, 8; 11, 6; V, 24, 1. sísu, the young one: pasúb ná sísvâ,
79, I.
súki-varna, brilliant-coloured, V, 2, 3. Súnab-sépa, V, 2, 7. sunám, prosperously, IV, 3, 11. subh, to adorn, beautify: sumbhánti, V, 10, 4'; 22, 4.
súbh, a triumphal procession, I, 127, 6; III, 26, 4. subham-ya, going in triumph, IV,
3, subhrá, beautiful, III, 26, 2. surúdh, gift, 1, 72, 73. sush, see svas.
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