âyub (conj. visvá-âyob), I, 68, visva-âyus, adv., eternally (?), (1,
68, 5'). visvá-krishti, extending over all
dominions, I, 59, 7; belonging
to all races of men, ill, 26, 5. visvá-karshani, dwelling among all
tribes, I, 37, 98; 111, 3, 15; V,
6,3; 14, 6; 33, 4. visvá-ganya, encompassing all people,
III, 25, 3. visvatab-mukha, whose face is turned
everywhere, I, 97, 6; 7. visvá-tûrti, all-victorious, II, 3, 8. visvá-thâ, everywhere, I, 141, 9. visvá-darsata, visible to all, I, 44,
10; 146, 5; V, 8, 3. visvá-deva, accompanied by the
Visve devâb, 1, 142, 12. visvá-devya, belonging to all gods, I,
148, 1; united with all the gods,
III, 2, 5. visvádhâ, everywhere, I, 141, 6;
always, V, 8, 4. visvá-dhầyas, possessing every re
freshment, I, 73, 3; V, 8, 1. visvá-bharas, supporter of everything,
IV, 1, 19! visvá-bhânu, all-brilliant, IV, 1, 3. visvam-inva, all-embracing, I, 76, 2;
-all-enlivener, III, 20, 3. visvá-rapa, all-shaped, I, 13, 10;
assuming every shape, III, 1, 7. visvá-vara, rich in all boons, III, 4,
3; giver of all treasures, III, 17, 1; with all goods, V, 4, 7;
rich in all treasures, V, 28, 1. visva-vid, all-knowing, III, 19, 1;
omniscient, III, 29, 7; V, 4, 3. visvá-vedas, all-possessor, possessor
of all wealth, I, 12, 1; 36, 3; 44, 7; 128, 8; 143, 4; 147, 3; III, 20, 4; 25, 1; 26, 4; IV,
8, 1. visvá-srushti, always listening, I,
128, 1. Visva-sâman, V, 23, 1. Visvamitra, pl., the Visvamitras, III,
1,21; 18, 4. visvãyu-poshas, lasting all our life,
1, 79, 9'. visváha, day by day, III, 16, 2. vish, to accomplish : vividdbi, 1, 27,
10; vévishat, busy, il, 2, 10.
víshuna, manifold, IV, 6,6;—tyrning
oneself from one, V, 12, 5'. víshu-rûpa, in manifold shapes, V,
15, 4. vishtá? I, 148, 1!. Vishnu, II, 1, 3; IV, 3, 7; V, 3, 3. vishpás, descrier : vishpát, 1, 189, 6'. víshvak, in all directions, 1, 36, 16;
IV, 4, 2. vi-sârá, expanse, I, 79, r'. vi-stír, laid out: vi-stirab, I, 140,7. vi-hava, the emulating call, 111, 8, 10. vi-hâyas, far-reaching, I, 128, 6;
whose energy expands round
about, IV, 11, 4? vi, to accomplish, pursue, perform
eagerly: vivéb rápåmsi (rather vivér ápamsi), I, 69, 89; veshi (hotram), I, 76, 4; véb, 11, 5, 3; IV, 7, 8;—to come or approach eagerly, to move : veshi, I, 74, 4; 189, 7; IV, 9, 5; 6; véb, he repairs, I, 77, 2; IV, 7, 7; vetu, I, 77, 4; véti, I, 141, 6; vitaye, that they may eagerly come or partake, 1, 74, 6; II, 2, 68; see also vití ; - vihi, accept eagerly, III, 28, 3; —vyántab, tending to, I, 127, 5; vyantu, may they eagerly seek, III, 8, 7; vihí mrilikám, love mercy, IV, 1, 5; mã veb, require not, IV, 3,13;-& dutyam vivaya, he has undertaken the messengership, I, 71, 4;-upa vetu, may be come, V, 11, 4; -prá-vita, having conceived, III, 29, 3 ;-práti vihi, accept
eagerly, III, 21, 5. vî, to envelop. See vyå. vi, eager : vib, I, 143, 6. vilú, strong, safe, I, 127, 3; 5; IV,
3, 14 ;--fortress, I, 71, 2. vilt-gambha, with strong jaws, III,
29, 13. vita, straight, IV, 2, 11. vîtí, (sacrificial) feast : vitaye, I, 13,
2; 74, 4; 142, 13; III, 13, 4 ;
V, 26, 3. viti-hotra, offerer of a feast (to the
gods), III, 24, 2; V, 36, 3. virá, hero, a manly son, I, 73, 3, &c. vîrá-pesas, adorned with heroes, IV,
11, 3. virá-vat, with valiant heroes, I, 12,
11; 96,8; III, 34, 5; V, 4, 11.
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