maghá-van, liberal giver, I, 31, 12; madhyamá, middle: madhyaméshu,
58, 9; 73, 5; 8; 77, 4; 98, 3; 1, 27, 5. 127, 11; 140, 12; 141, 13; man: manvata, they have devised, 146, 5; II, 6, 4; V, 16, 3; 18, IV, 1, 16; manyase, thou art 3; 5; maghónab (conj. maghó- considered, V, 17, 21, năm), V, 37, 1.
mananá, thought, III, 6, 1!. magmán, greatness, power, I, 128, mánas, thought : mánab ná sadyáb,
5; 141, 6; 143, 2; 4; 11, 1, 15. 1, 71,9; mind : mánasah váråya, matí, (pious) thought, 1, 60, 5; III, I, 76,11; ghrita-prushâ mánasa,
36, 8;--prayer, I, 141, 1; 142, his mind being intent on scatter4; III, 5, 3; IV, 3, 16; vâkáb ing ghrita, II, 3, 2; mánasâ sám matím, I, 143, 1!
gagmub, they agreed in their math or manth, to produce by mind, III, 1, 13.
attrition: máthit, 1, 71, 4; 148, manisha, (pious) thought : manisha 1; mathnántab, 1, 127, 7; (Pada text for manîshab?), 1, máthib, I, 127, 11; mathấyati, 70, 12; 76, 1; II1, 8, 5; prayer, I, 141, 3; mathita, III, 9, 5; IV, 5, 3; 6, 1; V, 11, 5';amanthishtâm, III, 23, 2; thoughtful mind, I, 94, 1;-wise manthâma, 111, 29, 1; mánthata, thoughts, IV, 11, 2; 3;- paráb III, 29, 5; mánthanti, III, 29, manîsháyâ, beyond thought, V, 6 ; mathyámânab, V, 11, 6;
17, 2. nib-mathitah, produced by attri- manîshín, thoughtful man, I, 13, 5; tion, III, 23, 1; 29, 12.
III, 10, 1. mad or mand, to be pleased, rejoice: mánu, man, I, 96, 2; 140, 4; V, 2,
mándasva (with gen.), 1, 26, 5; 12 ;-mánave, to the man, or to mâdayante, I, 59, i'; mâdá- Manu, I, 189,7 ;-Manu, N.P., yasva, II, 3, 19; III, 6, 9; 1, 31, 4; 36, 10; 19; 68, 7; madanti, 111, 4, 7; 7,7; mâda- 128, 2. yantâm, III, 4, 11; mádantam, manub-hita, instituted by Manus, I, III, 26, 9; mâdayethâm, IV, 13, 48; III, 2, 15. 14, 4;-abhí prá mande, I glad. Mánu-gâta, offspring of Manu, I, den, V, 4, 1.
45, r'. mád, pronoun: me, acc., V, 27, 4. Manu-vát, like Manu, II, 10, 6. máda, delight, I, 137, 9; V, 2, 10. mánusha, man, I, 31, 11. madhu, sweet drink: madhvab â manushyà, man, 1, 59, 4;-belonging
dhave, I, 141, 3';-honey, I, to men, III, 1, 10. 142, 3; 188, 2; III, 1, 7; 8; Manushvát, as for Manu, I, 31, 17; madhunâ daívyena, 111, 8, 19; II, 5, 2; III, 17, 2; as Manus honey-drink, V, 19, 32
did, i, 44, 11; V, 31, 1, mádhu-gihva, honey-tongued, I, 13, mánus, man, (1, 31, 11%); 1, 36, 7; 3; 44, 6; 60, 3.
Ill, 26, 2; IV, 1, 9!; 6, u; V, madhu-péya, honey-drink, IV, 14, 4*. 3, 4; 5, 7; mánushab, (Aryan) madhu-prik, mixing the honey-drink, men, I, 189, 78 ;--mánushab, of II, 10, 6.
the man, or, of Manus, II, 2, 6; madhu-mat, rich in honey, I, 13, 2; 8;-Manus, N.p., I, 26, 4; 76,
142, 2; honey-sweet, 1, 78, 5; 5'; 128, 1; II, 10, 1; IV, 2, 1); III, 4, 2; IV, 3,9; 12;-sweet mánushab purab-hitab, Í (food), 111, 7, 2.
2 ;-Mánushab gantu-bhib, i madhumat-tama, sweetest, V, 11, 5. 3, 6; manótri, deviser, II, 9, 4. madhu-vakas, sweet-tongued, iv, mantra, hymn, I, 31, 13 ; spell, i, 6, 5.
67, 4; 5; 147, 4; prayer, I, madhu-sút, Madhu-presser, IV, 3, 3. 74, 1. madhu-hastya, with honey in his mand, see mad. hand, V, 5, 2.
mandi á, joy-giving, cheerful, I, 26, madhyatáb, out from the midst, III, 7, &c.; lovely, delightful, V, 17, 21, 5.
2; 26, 1.
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