dâs, to offer, worship: dadasa, 1, 36,
4, &c.; yáb tábhyam dăsât, I, 68, 6; dâsat, IV, 2, 9; dasat yáb asmai áram, who satisfies him, I, 70,5; námab dasât, I, 71, 6; agnaye dâshti ávase, I,
137, 49. dås, worship, I, 127, 7. dâ su-adhvara, performing worship,
1, 75, 3! dåsvams, worshipper, liberal giver,
I, 1, 6; 27, 6, &c. dås: abhi-dåsati, he tries to harm,
1, 79, 11. dasá-patni, (strongholds) of which
the Dasas are the lords, Ill,
12, 6. dåsvat,'munificent, I, 127, 1; II, 4,
3; IV, 2, 7; V, 9, 2. Diti, IV, 2, 11'. didrikshénya, worthy to be looked
for, I, 146, 5. didrikshéya, visible, III, 1, 12. didyú, arrow, I, 71, 5. didyút, shaft, I, 66, 7. didhishayya, worthy to be searched
for, desirable, 1, 73, 74; 11, 4,1. didhishú, seeking to obtain, 1, 71, 3? dív, see dyú. divab-rk, shining from heaven, III,
7, 5. divákshas, dwelling in heaven, III,
7, 2'. diva-tarât, more than by day, 1, 127,
ånab, brightly shining towards the gods, III, 15, 5'; didyatam
brihát, III, 27, 15. dîdi-vams, resplendent, I, 12, 5; 10,
&c. dídivi, shining, 1, 1, 8. didhiti, (adoring) thought, devotion,
III, 4, 3; IV, 2, 169; V, 18, 4. dîrghá, long-lasting : dîrgháb rayib,
IV, 3, 5. dîrghá-àyus, long living, IV, 15, 9; 10. dirghãyu-sokis, flaming through long
life, V, 18, 3. dub-itá, trouble, misfortune, danger,
1, 99, 1; 128, 5; III, 30, 4;
V, 3, 11; 4, 9; 9, 6. dub-ukta, evil word, 1, 147, 4. dub-éva, of evil conduct, iv, 5, 5;
V, 2, 9. dub-gá, trouble, I, 99, 1; 189, 2. dub-gáha, difficulty, V, 4, 9. dub-gríbhi, difficult to seize, I, 140, 6. dub-gribhîy: dub-gribhîyase, thou
showest thyself hard to seize,
V, 9, 4. dub-dábha, undeceivable, III, 2, 3;
IV, 9,2 ; 8. dúb-dhita, badly-composed (prayer).
1, 140, 11. dub-dhi, malicious, I, 94, 8; 9; III,
- 16, 2. dub-matí, hatred, ill-will, III, 15, 6 ;
IV, 11, 6. dub-samsa, one who curses, I, 94, 9. dugdhá, milk, V, 19, 4'. dukkbúna, misfortune, I, 189, 5. dudhita, confused, IV, 1, 17. dur, gate, door, I, 68, 10; II, 2, 7';
IV, 4, 6; durab, the doors (of heaven), I, 69, 10; 188, 5';
râyáb dúrab, I, 72, 8. duritá, see dub-ita. duróka-sokis, he to whose flame
men do not get accustomed,
1, 66, 5'. duroná, house, 1,69, 4; 5; 70, 4', &c. durga, see dub-ga. durya, pl., dwelling, IV, 1, 9; 18;
2, 12. duvas, worship, I, 36, 14; III, 2,
6; 16, 4; IV, 2, 9; 8, 6. duvasaná, hastening, IV, 6, 10? duvasy, to exalt: duvasyati, I, 78,
2; III, 3, 1 ; duvasyan, III, 1, 2; 13; duvasyata, III, 2, 8; V, 28, 6.
divi-kshaya, dweller in heaven: divi.
kshayám (conj. for diví ksha-
yam), III, 2, 13!. divít mat, going to heaven, I, 26, 2. dívishi, the striving for day, I, 45,
7'; 141, 6: – heaven-aspiring
sacrifice, IV, 9, 3. divi-sprís, attaining to Heaven, I,
142, 8; V, 11, 1; 13, 2'. divya, heavenly, I, 143, 5; 144, 6;
III, 2, 4; - divine : divyaya
ganmane, I, 58, 6. dís, quarter of the world : disab, I,
31, 148; prá disam (for pradisam), i, 95, 3? didi, to shine, I, 36, II, &c.; rayim asmāsu didihi, shine upon us with thy wealth, II, 2, 6; didayet, may he illuminate, 11, 4, 3; didyat (conj. didhyat), III, 1, 1, deván akkba didy
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