The Rishi is Visvavârå Åtreyi (cf. verse 1); the metre is Trishtubh in verses i and 3, Gagatî in verse 2, Anushtubh in verse 4, Gayatri in verses 5 and 6. Verse 3=AV. VII, 23,10; VS. XXXIII, 12 ; TS. II, 4, 1,1; 5, 2, 4; MS. IV, 11, 1. Verse 5=TS. II, 5, 8, 6. Verses 5-6=TB. III, 5, 2, 3.
The Sukta is a later addition to the original Samhita.
Verse 2. Note 1. Should not dhatte be accented ? 'He whom thou furtherest and (who) puts in front hospitality (towards thee), O Agni, acquires all wealth.'
Verse 3. Note 1. Cf. X, 85, 23. sám gaspatyám suyamam astu devåh. The additions to the single Mandalas seem, as a rule, to be of later origin than the hymns of the tenth Mandala (see H.O., Prolegomena, p. 265); so it may be conjectured that the author of our verse imitated that passage of the great marriage hymn.
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