The Rishis are Tryaruna Traivrishna, Trasadasyu Paurukutsya, and Asvamedha Bharata, or, according to others, Atri alone. The metre is Trishtubh in verses 1-3, Anushtubh in verses 4-6.
The position of this Sakta shows that it is a later addition to the original collection.
Verse 1 Note 2. With Delbrück, Grassmann, von Bradke (Dyaus Asura, p. 67) I read maghónâm instead of maghónah. Cf. III, 3, 4. ásurah vipah-kitâm.
Note 2. On the invocation of Agni in Dånastutis, comp. H.O., Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, XXXIX, 87.
Note 3. Geldner (Ved. Studien, I, 268) is right in observing: Hier ist unter sahasrani eine bestimmte Geldoder Wertsumme zu verstehen,' and in adding that it is not necessary that such a sum consisted in cows.
Verse 2. Note 1. On sata, one hundred,' compare Delbrück, Altindische Syntax, p. 82.
Verse 3.
Note 1. Cf. X, 148, 3. sumatlı kakânáh.
Note 2. That is, very probably, a descendant of Trasadasyu.
Note 3. I do not adopt Sâyana's explanation navamam =navatamâm, though I do not know what the number ' nine' means here. Ludwig is absolutely right in observing dass man eben hier, wo es sich um specielle concrete, uns aber sonst her nicht bekannte verhältnisse und ereignisse handelt, eben sich bescheiden muss, nichts
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