9. Thus we have paid homage, desirous of goods, to powerful Agni. May he, the highly wise one, help us, as with a ship, across all enemies.
NOTES. The Rishis are the Vasůyavah Atreyâh (cf. verse 9); the metre is Anushtubh. Verse 5=MS. IV, 11, 1. Verse 6 =MS. IV, 11, 1. Verse 7=SV. I, 86; VS. XXVI, 12; TS. I, 1, 14, 4. The Sakta consists of hymns of three verses each.
Verse 1. Note 1. On gåsi, comp. Neisser, Bezzenberger's Beiträge, XX, 70, note 1; Bartholomae, Indogermanische Forschungen, II, 278, 283.
Note 2. Rishúnám: comp. above, I, 127, 10, note 5.
Verse 3. Note 1. On suvrikti, comp. above, II, 4, 1, note 1.
Verse 5. Note 1. I.e. to his father? Or to his patrons ?
Verse 7. Note 1. This vocative very probably refers to Agni.
Note 2. Or 'like a king's consort'? It may be doubted whether the difference of accent (máhishi and mahishỉ) holds good for the Rig-veda.—Comp. on máhishîva, Roth, Zeitschr. der Deutschen Morgenländ. Gesellschaft, XLVIII,
Veree 8. Note 1. Brihat is not the name of the Saman; cf. X, 64, 15 (100, 8). gräva yatra madhu-sút ukyáte brihát. Comp. Hillebrandt, Vedische Mythologie, I, p. 153.- The singular ukyate is explained by the connection with gråvå.
Note 2. With the last Pada comp. the conclusion of V, 52, 6 (vol. xxxii, p. 312). [46]
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