hoofs have made tremble ? the stables of the cows. Bring food to thy praisers !
8. Bring fresh food with fine dwellings, O Agni, to us, thy praisers! May we be of those who have praised (thee), who have thee as their messenger, house by house. Bring food to thy praisers !
9. Thou warmest in thy mouth, O highly brilliant one, the two (sacrificial) ladles full of butter. And mayst thou fill us (with gifts) at our hymns, O lord of strength! Bring food to thy praisers !
10. Thus ? they have driven, they have led , Agni in the due way by prayers and sacrifices. May he bestow on us plenty of valiant men, and that plenty of swift horses (wished for) S. Bring food to thy praisers !
The same Rishi. The metre is Pankti.—Verse 1=SV. I, 425. Verses 1-2=VS. XV, 41, 42; MS. II, 13, 7. Verses 1, 3, 2=SV. II, 1087-1089. Verse 3=TB. III, 11, 6, 4. Verse 4=SV. I, 419; AV. XVIII, 4, 88; MS. II, 13, 7. Verses 4, 5, 9=SV. II, 372–374; TS. IV, 4, 4, 6. Verse 9=VS. XV, 43; TS. II, 2, 12, 7.
Verse 3. Note 1. At first sight the conjecture of Böhtlingk-Roth and Grassmann, rayim, is very tempting, cf. IX, 12, 9. rayim ... su-abhúvam ; X, 122, 3. rayinå ... su-abhúva. I believe, nevertheless, that on closer examination the traditional text will prove correct. Sá prítáh evidently refers to the racer (vagin) cf. I, 66, 4=69, 5. vagi na prîtáh (cf. also X, 101, 7. prînitá ásvân): then it follows that su-abhúvam also refers to the racer, and rayé (cf. I, 100, 16; III, 53, 16) will be quite right.
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