The same Rishi and metre.–Verse 4=TB. II, 4, 5, 4.
This hymn and the next evidently form a couple. They. have the same number of verses, and are composed in the same metre. They are both addressed to Agni in his matutinal character, or rather to the Asvins, who are invoked to partake of the matutinal oblation (13, 1; 14, 1. 4). The first verse of 13 is quite similar to that of 14; the same may be said of the second verses of the two hymns ; the concluding verse of both is identical.
Verse 2 Note 1. Cf. above, IV, 6, 2. Note 2. Cf. Zend drafsha, banner.' Note 3. Cf. IV, 40, 2. sátvá bharishah gavisháh.
Verse 4. Note 1. The Sun is addressed.
Note 2. It is more natural to take dávidhvatah as nom. plur. than as gen. sing. (Ludwig).
Verse 5.
Note 1. The Sun.
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