The same Rishi. The metre is stated to be Padapankti (verses 4, 6, 7, Padapankti or Ushrih; verse 5, Mahåpadapankti; verse 8, Ushnih): see on this metre M. M., vol. xxxii, p. xcviii seq.; H. O., Prolegomena, p. 98; Kühnau, Die Trishtubh-Gagati-Familie, p. 234 seq.Verse 1=SV. I, 434; MS. I, 10, 3. Verses 1-3=SV. II, 1127–1129 ; VS. XV, 44-46. Verses 1-4=TS. IV, 4, 4, 7. Verse 1, 2, 4 = MS. II, 13, 8. Verse 3=MS. IV, 10, 2. Verse 6=TS. II, 2, 12, 7; MS. IV, 12, 4.
Verse 1.
Note 1. The Avasana in this verse ought to stand before hridisprisam, not after this word, as the traditional text places it. Ridhyâma, consequently, cannot be accented.
Note 2. Dr. Neisser's opinion on bha is different (Bezzenberger's Beiträge, XVIII, 312).
Note 8. I read stómam, which is frequently found as the object of the verb ridh, and which in several passages receives the epithet hridispris.
Verse 3. Note 1. On the syntactical form of this comparison, see Bergaigne, Mélanges Renier, p. 95.
Verse 6. Note 1. Or rokate, 'shines'?
Verse 7. Note 1. The Avasåna ought to stand before mártåt. Cf. above, verse 1, note 1.
Verse 8. Note 1. Cf. above, IV, 7, 7. The meaning seems to be: in this sacrificial place, where the cows give milk.
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