XI, 7. Apotheosis of the ukkhishta, the leavings
of the sacrifice. 1. In the ukkhishta are deposited name (quality) and form, in the ukkhishta the world is deposited. Within the ukkhishta Indra and Agni, and the all are deposited.
2. In the ukkhishta heaven and earth, and all beings, are deposited ; in the ukkhishta are deposited the waters, the ocean, the moon, and the wind.
3. In the ukkhishta are both being and non-being, death, strength (food), and Pragàpati. The (creatures) of the world are founded upon the ukkhishta; (also) that which is confined and that which is free, and the grace in me.
4. He who fastens what is firm, the strong, the leader, the brahma, the ten creators of the all, the divinities, are fixed on all sides to the ukkhishta as the (spokes of the) wheel to the nave.
5. Rik, Sâman, and Yagus, the singing of the sâmans, their introductions, and the stotras are in the ukkhishta. The sound 'him'is in the ukkhishta, and the modulations and the music of the sâman. That is in me.
6. The prayer to Indra and Agni (aindragnam), the call to the soma, as it is being purified (pavamânam), the mahânâmnf-verses, the singing of the mahâvrata, (these) divisions of the service are in the ukkhishta, as the embryo in the mother.
7. The ceremony of the consecration of the king (rågasaya), the vâgapeya, the agnishtoma, and the cattle-sacrifice belonging to it, the arka and the horse-sacrifice, and the most delightful (sacrifice) for which fresh barhis is strewn, are in the ukkhishta.
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