the mind! The Maruts, the all-possessing, shall harness thee, T vashtar shall put fleetness into thy feet!
2. With the fleetness, O runner, that has been deposited in thee in a secret place, (with the fleetness) that has been made over to the eagle, the wind, and moves in them, with that, O steed, strong with strength, do thou win the race, reaching the goal in the contest!
3. Thy body, O steed, leading (our) body, shall run, a pleasure to ourselves, delight to thyself! A god, not stumbling, for the support of the great, he shall, as if upon the heaven, found his own light!
III, 13. Charm for conducting a river into a new
channel. 1. Because of yore, when the (cloud-) serpent was slain (by Indra), ye did rush forth and shout (anadata), therefore is your name 'shouters' (nadyah rivers'): that is your designation, ye streams !
2. Because, when sent forth by Varuna, ye then quickly did bubble up; then Indra met (åpnot) you, as ye went, therefore anon are ye 'meeters' (apah 'waters')!
3. When reluctantly ye flowed, Indra, forsooth, did with might choose (avivarata) you as his own, ye goddesses! Therefore 'choice' (vâr'water ') has been given you as your name!
4. One god stood upon you, as ye flowed according to will. Up breathed (ud ânishuh) they who are known as 'the great' (mahih). Therefore 'upbreather' (udakam 'water ') are they called !
5. The waters are kindly, the waters in truth were ghee. These waters, truly, do support Agni and
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